Didier Stevens

Saturday 29 December 2018

New Tool: SimpleEncoder

Filed under: 010 Editor,My Software — Didier Stevens @ 0:00

I needed a 010 Editor script to do ROT-47 encoding. The script I developed supports different types of simple encodings (including ROT-47):

With custom shift encoding, you choose the shift value by providing a number in a second input dialog. This number can be negative to shift the characters to the left in stead of to the right.ยต

FYI: I submitted this script to 010 Editor’s repository.

SimpleEncoder_V1_0.zip (https)
MD5: 02C7BA20D8BF9EB965B3957BE8D26094
SHA256: 7C98B404F49F5E22A8A052AB4E100BF4ABCE37F39518293FC697D21C1D36A4F3

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