Didier Stevens

Friday 26 December 2014

YouTube Video Promo

Filed under: Announcement,Didier Stevens Labs — Didier Stevens @ 10:24

I produced 21 technical videos this year. You can find them on YouTube and my video blog (sometimes I also post beta versions of my new tools along with the video on my video blog).

I decided to run a promo for my Didier Stevens Labs videos: If you buy one of my products, you get to download the original MP4 files I uploaded to my free YouTube channel. This offer is also valid for existing clients.

YouTube Video Promo

Wednesday 24 December 2014

Update: oledump.py Version 0.0.5

Filed under: Malware,My Software,Update — Didier Stevens @ 18:10

A quick bugfix and a new feature.

oledump will now correctly handle OLE files with an empty storage. Here is an example with a malicious sample that blog readers reported to me:


And when the OLE file contains a stream with VBA code, but this code is just a set of Attribute statements and nothing else, then the indicator will be a lowercase letter m instead of an uppercase letter M.


This way, you can quickly identify interesting VBA streams to analyze.

oledump_V0_0_5.zip (https)
MD5: A712DCF508C2A0184F751B74FE7F513D
SHA256: E9106A87386CF8512467FDD8BB8B280210F6A52FCBACEEECB405425EFE5532D9

Tuesday 23 December 2014

oledump: Extracting Embedded EXE From DOC

Filed under: Malware,My Software — Didier Stevens @ 0:00

RECHNUNG_vom_18122014.doc (6a574342b3e4e44ae624f7606bd60efa) is a malicious Word document with VBA macros that extract and launch an embedded EXE.

This is nothing new, but I want to show you how you can analyze this document with oledump.py. I also have a video on my video blog.

First we have a look at the streams (I put the Word document inside a password (= infected) protected ZIP file to avoid AV interference, oledump can handle such files):


Stream 7 contains VBA macros, let’s have a look:


Subroutine v45 is automatically executed when the document is opened. It creates a temporary file, searches for string “1234” inside the text of the Word document (ActiveDocument.Range.Text), writes the encoded bytes following it to disk, and then executes it.

If you take a look at the content of the Word document (stream 14), you’ll see this:


Following string “1234” you’ll see &H4d&H5a&h90…

&Hxx is the hexadecimal notation for a byte in VBA. It can be converted with function cbyte. We can also convert this sequence of hexadecimally encoded bytes using a decoder specially written for this. The decoder (written in Python) searchers for strings &Hxx with a regular expression, converts the xx hex values to characters and concatenates them into a string, which is returned to oledump.

#!/usr/bin/env python

__description__ = '&H decoder for oledump.py'
__author__ = 'Didier Stevens'
__version__ = '0.0.1'
__date__ = '2014/12/19'


Source code put in public domain by Didier Stevens, no Copyright
Use at your own risk

  2014/12/19: start


import re

class cAmpersandHexDecoder(cDecoderParent):
    name = '&H decoder'

    def __init__(self, stream, options):
        self.stream = stream
        self.options = options
        self.done = False

    def Available(self):
        return not self.done

    def Decode(self):
        decoded = ''.join([chr(int(s[2:], 16)) for s in re.compile('&H[0-9a-f]{2}', re.IGNORECASE).findall(self.stream)])
        self.name = '&H decoder'
        self.done = True
        return decoded

    def Name(self):
        return self.name


This decoder allows us to analyze the embedded file with the following command: oledump.py -s 14 -D decoder_ah.py RECHNUNG_vom_18122014.doc.zip


From the MZ and PE headers, you can identify it as a PE file. We can check this with pecheck like this:

oledump.py -s 14 -D decoder_ah.py -d RECHNUNG_vom_18122014.doc.zip | pecheck.py


oledump_V0_0_4.zip (https)
MD5: 8AD542ED672E45C45222E0A934033852
SHA256: F7B8E094F5A5B31280E0CDF11E394803A6DD932A74EDD3F2FF5EC6DF99CBA6EF

Wednesday 17 December 2014

Introducing oledump.py

Filed under: Forensics,Malware,My Software — Didier Stevens @ 0:07

If you follow my video blog, you’ve seen my oledump videos and downloaded the preview version. Here is the “official” release.

oledump.py is a program to analyze OLE files (Compound File Binary Format). These files contain streams of data. oledump allows you to analyze these streams.

Many applications use this file format, the best known is MS Office. .doc, .xls, .ppt, … are OLE files (docx, xlsx, … is the new file format: XML insize ZIP).

Run oledump on an .xls file and it will show you the streams:


The letter M next to stream 7, 8, 9 and 10 indicate that the stream contains VBA macros.

You can select a stream to dump its content:


The source code of VBA macros is compressed when stored inside a stream. Use option -v to decompress the VBA macros:


You can write plugins (in Python) to analyze streams. I developed 3 plugins. Plugin plugin_http_heuristics.py uses a couple of tricks to extract URLs from malicious, obfuscated VBA macros, like this:


You might have noticed that the file analyzed in the above screenshot is a zip file. Like many of my analysis programs, oledump.py can analyze a file inside a (password protected) zip file. This allows you to store your malware samples in password protected zip files (password infected), and then analyze them without having to extract them.

If you install the YARA Python module, you can scan the streams with YARA rules:


And if you suspect that the content of a stream is encoded, for example with XOR, you can try to brute-force the XOR key with a simple decoder I provide (or you can develop your own decoder in Python):


This program requires Python module OleFileIO_PL: http://www.decalage.info/python/olefileio

oledump_V0_0_3.zip (https)
MD5: 9D5AA950C9BFDB16D63D394D622C6767
SHA256: 44D8C675881245D3336D6AB6F9D7DAF152B14D7313A77CB8F84A71B62E619A70

Tuesday 16 December 2014

YARA Rules

Filed under: Forensics,Malware — Didier Stevens @ 0:00

Here are some YARA rules I developed.

contains_pe_file will find embedded PE files.

maldoc is a set of rules derived from Frank Boldewin’s OfficeMalScanner signatures, that I also use in my XORSearch program. Their goal is to find shellcode embedded in documents.


yara-rules-V0.0.1.zip (https)
MD5: 4D869BD838E662E050BBFCB0B89732E4
SHA256: 0CA778EAD97FF43CF7961E3C17A88B77E8782D082CE170FC779543D67B58FC72

Monday 15 December 2014


Filed under: Forensics,Networking — Didier Stevens @ 10:20

Together with Xavier Mertens I proposed a Brucon 5×5 project. Our project was accepted, and we bought 23 Cisco routers to teach memory forensics on network devices.

21 routers are used for workshops, and 2 routers are online.

If you want to practice memory forensics with real Cisco IOS devices, go to http://router-forensics.net.

Friday 12 December 2014


Filed under: My Software,Update — Didier Stevens @ 16:09

This is an update to my XORSelection 010 Editor script. You can select a sequence of bytes in 010 Editor (or the whole file) and then run this script to encode the sequence with the XOR key you provide. The XOR key can be a string or a hexadecimal value. Prefix the hexadecimal value with 0x.

Here is an example of an XOR encoded malicious URL found in a Word document with malicious VBA code.



Although this is an update, it turns out I never released it on my site here, but it has been released on the 010 Editor script repository.

XORSelection_V3_0.zip (https)
SHA256: 755913C46F8620E6865337F621FC46EA416893E28A4193E42228767D9BD7804A

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