Didier Stevens

Saturday 15 December 2018

Update: numbers-to-string.py Version 0.0.6

Filed under: My Software,Update — Didier Stevens @ 17:58

This new version of numbers-to-string.py has a new option: -t (table).

With this option, you can use another table for number-to-character conversion than ASCII. Just provide the table as a string (a sequence of characters):

And I made a change to option –end: now it will select up to the last string occurrence provided, no longer the first one.

numbers-to-string_v0_0_6.zip (https)
MD5: 283003C9B328A3DB79BC83AD3C3B0FB1
SHA256: E96417C26EA1231748C6A5DE2F12F56D816F2F875795ED7412ED5D6458CF7B93

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