Didier Stevens

Monday 3 December 2018

Quickpost: Developing for ESP32 with the Arduino IDE

Filed under: Hardware,Quickpost,WiFi — Didier Stevens @ 0:00

I have a couple of ESP32’s that can also be programmed with the Arduino IDE, provided the necessary board manager is installed:

After starting the IDE

I open the preferences:

And add the board manager URL for the ESP32 (https://dl.espressif.com/dl/package_esp32_index.json):

And via the Tools menu I launch the Boards Manager:

And install the ESP32 board manager:

And then I can select the right board (ESP32 Dev Module):

Then I can connect my ESP32 board to my Windows machine, and it will complain about missing drivers:

I install the CP210x drivers:

Then I can select the right port in the Tools menu:

And now everything is ready to program my ESP32. I will start with the WiFiScan example:

Which can then be compiled and uploaded to the ESP32 board:

Once it is uploaded and running, I can connect to the ESP32 board via the serial monitor:



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