Didier Stevens

Wednesday 26 February 2014

My Software

Filed under: My Software — Didier Stevens @ 21:33

I finally compiled a list of the software I published. You can find it under My Software.

First comes an overview, and then for each software, all the versions you can download with links to the blogposts where they are mentioned.

Friday 21 February 2014

The Credentials Listener

Filed under: Forensics,My Software,Networking,Wireshark — Didier Stevens @ 0:04

I’m taking SANS’ “SEC503 Intrusion Detection In-Depth” class here in Brussels.

One of the exercises consisted of extracting the passwords from a capture file of a FTP password dictionary attack.

I was at an advantage for this exercise 😉 I have a Lua script for Wireshark that extracts credentials (HTTP and FTP in this release).


Notice that some entries have no username. A closer look at the capture file with Wireshark revealed missing segments (with the USER admin FTP command).

wireshark-tools-v0_0_1.zip (https)
MD5: 30232A81CBD0DEE275C2A3CDAF7E333C
SHA256: E45CE8AF5417A8A1C857FDF84F2FD92860738CF2E723A64A730F606D2C495064

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