Didier Stevens

Tuesday 4 June 2024

Update: myjson-filter.py version 0.0.6

Filed under: My Software,Update — Didier Stevens @ 0:00

This new version of myjson-filer brings a new choice for option -W (–write): hashext.

This write files where the filename is the sha256 hash + provided extension. For example, option -W hash:jpeg will create files with extension .jpeg, and the name is the sha256 hash of the content of the file.

myjson-filter_V0_0_6.zip (http)
MD5: 379880AF93E312F8A8D80A7F8E0825E5
SHA256: E1B09AEEFB437ECDF3A6223BE3D72A3D552EF5A3B2E9CC42D06A83E4230EA9D1

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