Didier Stevens

Wednesday 12 June 2024

Update: base64dump.py version 0.0.25

Filed under: My Software,Update — Didier Stevens @ 0:00

This new version adds a new post processing function to extract the longest string from the decoded payload (ExtractLongestString). Post processing functions take the decoded content, and replace it with the processed content. To view to original decoded content, the select option -s now supports suffix o. For example, to select the original decoded content of entry 5, use option -s 5o.

And there is now a –sort option to sort the entries based on payload, decoded content, length, …

base64dump_V0_0_25.zip (http)
MD5: 5A193C98658FF26ED680130E61F62D0F
SHA256: 002517F56484A7017E12D3D9BE0667E9E907F1EBD9B9091647F4336615D494E1

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